Furniture Catalog: Blanket Chest

Artesa - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 21W x 25H

Berkley - Cedar Chest

Bordeaux - Blanket Chest

Boulder Creek - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 36W x 18.75H

Boulder Creek - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 21.75H

Boulder Creek - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 50W x 25.75H

Bradford - Blanket Chest

Carlisle - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 22.5H

Cathedral Cedar Chest

Cathedral Cedar Chest

Chippewa Sleigh - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 48.75W x 26.25H

Classic Cedar Chest

Classic Mission Cedar Chest

Dumont - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 21.5H

Dumont - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 50W x 25.5H

Empire - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 21.5H

Ensenada - Cedar Chest

Escalade - Cedar Chest

Finland - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 21.25H

Flush Mission - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 21.25H

Heidi - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 22.25H

Heritage - Blanket Chest with false drawer fronts and cedar bottom - 44W x 22H

Heritage Cedar Chest

Houston - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 23H

Imperial - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 25.25H

Ironwood - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 21.5H

Kascade - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 21.25H

Lexington - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 46W x 21.5H

Lincoln - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 21H

Louis Phillipe - Blanket Chest

Manchester - Cedar Chest

Matison - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 22H

McCoy - Cedar Chest

Mission Cedar Chest

Modesto Cedar Chest

Monarch - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 22H

Mondovi - Cedar Chest

New Salem Bedroom - Blanket Chest

Old Classic Sleigh - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 48.75W x 26.25H

Orewood - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 36W x 18.5H

Orewood - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 21.5H

Orewood - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 50W x 25.5H

Raised Panel Cedar Chest

Royal Heritage Cedar Chest

Royal Mission - Blanket Chest

Salem Bedroom - Blanket Chest

Shaker - Blanket Chest with false drawer fronts and cedar bottom - 44W x 21.25H

Shaker Cedar Chest

Timbra - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 36W x 19.25H

Timbra - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 22H

Timbra - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 50W x 26.25H

Triple Panel Trunk

Triple Raised Panel Cedar Chest

Trunk Flat Lid with cedar bottom only

Trunk Round Lid with cedar bottom only

Vandella - Blanket Chest with cedar bottom - 44W x 23H

Versailles - Blanket Chest

Waterfall Cedar Chest